warning: tech talk to follow
For a number of months, I've wanted to shift this site's architecture from building off of www.princetonbasketball.com/blog/ up a folder to princetonbasketball.com.
Tonight I finally finished the move, so please bookmark princetonbasketball.com going forward.
There's still a mirror of the site in the /blog/ folder, but I don't know how long that will remain active.
Why this tweak? Well, the old address - with such weight on the word "blog" - was somewhat pejorative and took away in my opinion from the validity of the site.
The RSS feed, Comment RSS feed and subscription portal addresses are not moving, so there should be few (if any) hiccups due to this change.
If you notice an old link that doesn't work, please let me know!
Might as well use this missive to remind those reading that you can follow the site on Twitter and become a fan of the site on Facebook.
Jon Solomon