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Mascot night.


The most exciting night of the year at Jadwin Gym.

(L to R) Boomer, Mad Dog, Tiger.

Nicole caught a Somerset Patriots t-shirt, or rather, a shirt fell smack in her lap while she was least expecting it. First time in four seasons that anything has been thrown remotely in our direction.

The annual halftime "game."

(L to R) Some sort of Raccoon, Tiger, Boomer, Mad Dog, Holy Cow, Sparky.

Also taking part but not pictured: The Philadelphia Soul's Soulman - Less annoying than J.J. Jumper but as annoying as Dan Ackroyd.

Harrison Schaen
Harrison Schaen, not as interested in mascots, watches his once and future teammates.

Pat said,

March 10, 2005 @ 8:34 am

Just wanted to fill you in on what sort of Racoon it was. Its one of the hosts for a new kids program (as seen on Fox29)

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