has a moderated automated discussion group for fans of the Princeton Tigers. In this group you can interact with over 600 fans of Ivy League basketball. This page contains subscription information, posting guidelines, and other information. New subscribers should read this page carefully as it will avoid problems and misunderstandings down the road.
Subscription Information:
To subscribe, send a blank email message to
To unsubscribe, send a blank email message
If you have problems with the autoprocessor, please email us.
All posts intended for the List should be sent to
Posting Guidelines:
Posts from subscribers are welcome providing they conform to the following guidelines:
1. Posts should be relevant to Ivy basketball or the extended Princeton basketball family. Don't send the warning about the 'Good Times' virus, the request to send cards to Craig Shergold, etc. Those chain letters are not accurate, and we've all seen them at least three times anyway. Your posts should be well-reasoned, thoughful and informative. Good writing, punctuation and grammar are always appreciated.
2. Commercial posts are permitted providing permission has been received from the List Manager prior to each post, and as long as there is there is sufficient newsworthiness and relevance. This policy will be modified if commercial messages become repetitive or excessive. Post your press releases or URL once, please. The List does not accept paid advertising, nor is it intended to replace more traditional marketing channels.
3. Be polite--we're all friends. Namecalling, baiting, responding to posts in an argumentative fashion, or any other type of 'flaming' will not be tolerated, nor will foul or abusive language. This especially applies to comments about other schools or their supporters, as well as to comments about Princeton and its supporters from supporters of those other schools. It is possible to be both partisan and polite. The best way to stop a flame fest from happening is to ignore the folks who try to start them. Let the List Manager take care of warning or sanctioning violators, please.
4. This is a discussion forum, not a fan board. The root word for 'fan' is 'fanatic', which the dictionary defines as 'unreasonably enthusiastic or overly zealous'. On the other hand, under 'discussion' the dictionary says 'talking about something in a deliberative fashion, with varying opinions offered constructively and, usually, amicably, so as to settle an issue.'
5. You might think your nicknames for other schools or players are cute. They're not. If you do not have the ability to call a team by their proper school or mascot name, you don't deserve to be able to talk about them. Additionally, it is disrespectful to refer to other Ivy schools as "dwarves." This sort of behavior is not acceptable here.
6. Absolutely no violations of copyrights, trademarks, service marks, logos, etc. will be permitted. Do not repost news stories from wire services or online services, material you found on web sites, or type in stories or someone's column from your local newspaper. Posting the URL of web pages with basketball/Princeton/Ivy content on them is both permitted and encouraged, but posting the text from someone's web page without explicit permission is a copyright violation and is not permitted. If you must quote from a published source, do so very sparingly. Raw facts cannot be copyrighted, so game statistics are permitted. Posts which violate the law or encourage someone else to violate the law are also forbidden.
7. Only valid subscribers to this list are authorized to post to it. We reserve the right to verify your e-mail address and perform other checks before granting posting privileges.
8. Please sign your name to all posts. Posts under aliases or avatars will not be approved.
9. Be prepared to back up your posts with quotes or statistical data. Messages of a purely speculative nature have no place here.
10. Posts that call into question the character of an individual will not be approved.
11. No discussion of gambling or point spreads.
12. Do not forward any messages from this list to any other mailing lists or message boards.
13. Excessive overquoting (especially reposting the entire text of an article when adding just a few lines of comments) is highly discouraged, as are 'me too' posts that don't add anything new to the discussion. This is not an opinion poll or an election, if someone has already said what you wanted to say, there is no need for you to repeat it.
14. A good rule to follow is, 'Would I pay money to read this?' If the answer is no, don't send it. Keep in mind there are folks who do pay money to read this List, and it does cost some money and use some computing resources here to run the list.
15. Violations of any of the above guidelines may result in private or public censure, suspension of posting privileges, or removal from the List, depending on the severity of the infraction or repeat offenses.
Legal Disclaimers and other excess baggage: is provided to the Internet community as a free service and is not intended to promote or be affiliated with Princeton University or any other organization. We do not charge anyone to subscribe to or participate in the List, although you may incur charges from your Internet provider or online service.
We do not distribute or sell the list of subscribers. (As far as we know, the list management software does not give out the list of subscribers.) is not responsible for any errors in posts, and opinions are those of the individual posters. We do not endorse or approve any commercial products, nor can we be responsible for any problems you may encounter in dealing with any individuals or organizations who post to or participate in this List.
Jon Solomon
List Manager,